GP House Roadshow An Awesome Collaboration

GP House Roadshow : An Awesome Collaboration

Being the best performer of the telecommunication industry in Bangladesh, Grameenphone never misses a chance to pamper its employees. And as a booming company in the tech industry, Apple gadgets love to give back to their customers as well. So why not collaborate and have a win-win situation?

This time Apple Gadgets collaborated with GP house for launching a campaign from 11 November to 13 November this year for strengthening brand partnerships and nurturing customer relationships. Designed with exclusive offers and discounts, it was a successful campaign.

Features that Made this Campaign Outstanding

This campaign was crafted to provide exclusive offers in the most rewarding way possible. The core offers were divided into 3 parts:

  • Loyalty Cards
  • Voucher Cards
  • Device exchange deals

    GP employees received a loyalty card granting them a 12% discount (up to 1000 Taka) on any smartphone purchase from Apple Gadgets. This was particularly helpful for those considering purchasing authentic smartphones at an affordable price.

    Voucher cards from Apple Gadgets Care and Vertech offered great discounts on laptops and after-sales services for all existing devices because Apple Gadgets cares for its customers beyond just the campaign.

    Vertech’s 2000 Taka laptop voucher was available for top brands such as HP, Acer, Asus, Dell, MSI, and Lenovo, enticing customers who are fans of these brands. Apple Gadgets Care also provided 1000 Taka vouchers for all kinds of repairs or fixes for any type of tech device, such as smartphones, laptops, or desktop computers. Customers praised this as the best service they had received so far.

The device exchange deal was a free service where a qualified salesperson managed the instant device exchange for GP employees at the Bashundhara City Basement-2 and Jamuna Future Park outlets. In addition, employees received an extra 500 Taka value on their exchangeable device.

Hasslefree way of Availing Offers: 

This campaign was designed to make Employees avail the offers in the easiest way possible, They were asked only to show or share their employee ID at any Apple Gadgets outlet to enjoy the benefits.

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